When you’ve moved through your Evaluation and Quotation phases, it is time to submit an application where you will finally see your “Offer” with an overview of actual costs and “guaranteed returns”.

When you see costs and guaranteed outcomes, things really begin to make sense. This is the beginning of a pursuit towards financial freedom, stabilized by financial certainty.

The I&E application process takes any remaining guesswork out of the equation by asking the company to commit to your plan without binding you as applicant to accept.

Your Pro Client Guide can maximize your application process by leveraging their expertise to get you the best results such as obtaining the best life insurance health rating and/or creating the best policy design strategy.


When you’ve moved through your Evaluation and Quotation phases, it is time to submit an application where you will finally see your “Offer” with an overview of actual costs and “guaranteed returns”.

When you see costs and guaranteed outcomes, things really begin to make sense. This is the beginning of a pursuit towards financial freedom, stabilized by financial certainty.

The I&E application process takes any remaining guesswork out of the equation by asking the company to commit to your plan without binding you as applicant to accept.

Your Pro Client Guide can maximize your application process by leveraging their expertise to get you the best results such as obtaining the best life insurance health rating and/or creating the best policy design strategy.

* Private Equity Banking , dba " The Martineau Agency " working in conjunction with The Insurance Team, educates clients on the benefits and utilization of cash value insurance, annuities, and asset-based long-term care products. These products, structured correctly, will add greater protection and peace of mind to your life and financial plan. Learn all you can about the living benefits of these financial products to enhance your financial assets and future outcomes in order to live a more abundant life. The Martineau Agency, LLC does got give tax or legal advice and recommends that all clients talk with a CPA or tax attorney for legal and/or tax advice

* Private Equity Banking , dba " The Martineau Agency " working in conjunction with The Insurance Team, educates clients on the benefits and utilization of cash value insurance, annuities, and asset-based long-term care products. These products, structured correctly, will add greater protection and peace of mind to your life and financial plan. Learn all you can about the living benefits of these financial products to enhance your financial assets and future outcomes in order to live a more abundant life. The Martineau Agency, LLC does got give tax or legal advice and recommends that all clients talk with a CPA or tax attorney for legal and/or tax advice